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Reading Data

The Social SDK provides two main functions for reading data: get and keys. Both functions now support API server requests for improved performance on mainnet, as well as direct contract calls.

Get Function


The get function in the Social SDK allows you to read data referenced by a set of key paths, where each path corresponds to the object to return. This function now supports both direct contract calls and API server requests for improved performance on mainnet.


The first path within the key MUST always be the account ID.

For example, the key alice.near/profile/name will return the object:

"alice.near": {
"profile": {
"name": "Alice"

As you can see, the returned object and the corresponding name value relates the key's path.

Getting specific values

Getting specific values, like the example from above, you can use a set of keys:

const { Social } = require('@builddao/near-social-js');

const social = new Social();
const result = await social.get({
keys: [

"alice.near": {
"profile": {
"name": "Alice"
"alice.near": {
"profile": {
"image": {
"url": "https://gkfjklgdfjkldfg"
"bob.near": {
"profile": {
"name": "Bob"

Using wildcards

The get function also supports wildcard values and can be used to get multiple values within an object.

const { Social } = require('@builddao/near-social-js');

const social = new Social();
const result = await social.get({
keys: [

"alice.near": {
"profile": {
"image": {
"url": "https://gkfjklgdfjkldfg"
"name": "Alice"

Using API Server (Default)

By default, the get function uses the API server for improved performance on mainnet. You don't need to specify any additional parameters for this behavior. This is only for mainnet.

Using Direct Contract Calls

If you want to make direct contract calls instead of using the API server, you can set useApiServer to false:

const result = await social.get({
keys: ['alice.near/profile/**'],
useApiServer: false,

Note that when using direct contract calls, you can use the withNodeId option, which is not available when using the API server.

Keys Function


The keys function allows you to retrieve a list of keys that match specified criteria. This is useful for querying the data structure without necessarily reading all the associated values.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

const { Social } = require('@builddao/near-social-js');

const social = new Social();
const result = await social.keys({
keys: [


Using API Server (Default)

By default, the keys function uses the API server for improved performance on mainnet. You don't need to specify any additional parameters for this behavior.

Using Direct Contract Calls

If you want to make direct contract calls instead of using the API server, you can set useApiServer to false:

const result = await social.keys({
keys: ['alice.near/profile/**'],
useApiServer: false,

Additional Options

You can use additional options to customize the behavior of the keys function:

const result = await social.keys({
keys: ['alice.near/profile/**'],
blockHeight: 12345678,
returnDeleted: true,
returnType: 'History',
valuesOnly: true,

This example retrieves keys at a specific block height, includes deleted keys, returns historical data, and only includes values in the response.


The returnType option with value "History" is only supported when using the API server (useApiServer: true).

Use Cases

The keys function is particularly useful for:

  1. Discovering available data structures without fetching all the associated values.
  2. Checking for the existence of certain keys or patterns in the data.
  3. Retrieving metadata about keys, such as when they were last updated or deleted.
  4. Efficiently querying large data sets by first fetching keys and then selectively retrieving values.

By combining the get and keys functions, you can build powerful and efficient data retrieval strategies for your NEAR Social applications.